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Sunblock Spells Safe Skin

Did you know that your skin is this largest organ in your body? And therefore the most vulnerable? Which is all the more reason to treat it with kid gloves, so to speak.When choosing a sunscreen, first look for the words “protects against both UVA and UVB rays.” Next consider the types: there are two, physical blockers and ones that are chemically-based. Physical blockers are reflective (cause a rebound or bouncing-off effect) and refractive (causing light rays to change direction) – zinc and t
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Sunblock – Redefining Sun Protection

Sunscreens are an area of confusion and marketing hype. What Sun Protective Factor (SPF) is best for me? For my child? Is a 70 SPF better than a 30? Is it micro-technology or nano-technology? Is this one waterproof? Is it broad spectrum? There are so many issues, so many types. The Skin Cancer Foundation Seal of Recommendation has been granted to over 800 products.This kind of confusion even finds its way into my house. One day, many years ago, one of my young sons and I were going fishing. Mom
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