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Jan Marini Skin Research

Jan Marini Skin Research (JMSR) is one of the top manufacturers of clinically validated skin care and aesthetic products for the professional marketplace. They are known for creating breakthrough product solutions and dramatic technological advancements. Over the years, the company has established a portfolio of proprietary formulas that reflect its ongoing commitment to be the preeminent developer of skin care products that produce measurable clinical results and benefits.


Founded in 1994, Jan Marini Skin Research has become known for creating breakthrough product for anti aging solutions and dramatic technological advancements. JMSR pioneered the use of Glycolic Acid in skin care and developed the first stable topical Vitamin C product years ahead of the commercial marketplace. In 2005, JMSR became the first company to market a cosmetic eyelash enhancement conditioner that has since revolutionized the industry and created an increasingly popular beauty category.

Skin Treatments

Eyelash enhancers have become one of the fastest growing cosmetic products introduced to the industry in many years. In 2005, Jan Marini Skin Research claimed to be the first to develop this innovative technology that inspired a host of imitators. Their research and development uncovered a newly discovered proprietary peptide which when combined with other essential factors produces extraordinary eyelash and brow enhancement. No other lash product on the market can use both of the enhancing peptides found in our Marini Lash Conditioner.

*Jan Marini Skin Research products are designed to be used under the supervision of a physician or licensed skin care professional. If you have any questions regarding skin care concerns, appropriate products, product usage, or technologies, we recommend that you contact us prior to your purchase.

We offer Jan Marini Skin Research products to users in the United States of America only.

Jan Marini

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